Remote Operated Vehicle or better known as the ROV is one under-water robots that are connected via a cable to the main control unit. The main cables will bring energy and a command and control signals to the vehicle (ROV). As for operators, the main cable carrying data from sensors and condition of the ROV. A camera on the ROV will provide input to display the condition of the ROV. ROV has a different size and are equipped with a TV camera, video camera, mechanical devices and other equipment.

For our services using ROV is as follows. among following: as are services using ROV

  • Accompanying the divers, to ensure that the divers are safe and ready to provide assistance
  • In water ready assistance to the divers
  • Inspection or examination rig or refinery, from a visual check to use certain tools to monitor the effects of  corrosion, faulty construction, search for location of the crack, biologists estimate for  contamination.
  • Rig or refinery Inspection or examination(visual checkuse tools to monitor the effects of corrosion, faulty construction, crack identificationetc.
  • Pipeline inspection, follow the under-water pipeline to check for leaks, determine the approximate age of the pipeline and pipe installation convincing if in good condition.
  • Pipeline inspection, checking under-water pipeline leaks, pipe rectification etc
  • Surveys, both visual and surveys using sound waves, is required prior to the installation of pipelines, cables and other subsea facilities
  • Under-water surveys, (visual and using sound waves), required prior subsea facilities installation.
  • Supporters of drilling and construction, start from visual inspections, monitoring the implementation of drilling and construction, till make improvements if   necessary
  • Drilling and construction supports(visual inspections, monitoring drilling and construction implementation, improvements, etc)
  • Move dangerous objects on the seabed, especially around the structure facilities, such as oil refineries. ROV proved more able to reduce the cost to keep the area safe and clean
  • Seabed safety and cleanliness survey (structure facilities vicinity area survey, debris removal, etc)


  • Provision of Underwater Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) Campaign by ROV Panther at Poleng Field Madura Offshore - PHE WMO
  • Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry Docking (UWILD) of FPSO KAS III by ROV H800 at HCML Field - PT Armada Gema Nusantara
  • Underwater Pipeline Inspection by ROV H800 at Poleng Field Madura Offshore - PHE WMO

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